Statement Re: DFARS Compliant Neo

Statement Re: DFARS Compliant Neo

In light of the NDAA enforcement that took effect Jan 1, 2020, Arnold is pleased to announce we are establishing a material supply chain with a compliant rare earth permanent magnet manufacturer to prevent disruption to our Aerospace & Defense customers.

NDAA Compliant Neodymium Magnet Material

Arnold is now able to supply NdFeB that is fully compliant with the U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS 225.7018 Restriction on acquisition of certain magnets and tungsten, ‘The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act – NDAA 2019’).


If your project calls for NDAA Compliant materials, be sure to indicate on your RFQ, including desired quantities. Arnold will continue to source non-restricted Neo via our original supply chain.

Learn More about Arnold Neo



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